Your Toolkit for Operating Sustainably as a Foodservice Business

1st August 2024

The journey towards sustainability in the foodservice industry can seem daunting, but with the right guidance and tools, any foodservice business can operate sustainably in the future. We’ve dug into Mintel’s latest report on ‘Sustainability in UK Foodservice 2024’ and collected all the sustainable nibbles of knowledge to arm you with a sustainability toolkit for your business. Kara is here to provide practical insights and resources to help businesses navigate the challenges and reap the rewards of sustainable practices.

Sustainable Sourcing

Sourcing sustainable ingredients is a crucial step in creating a sustainable foodservice business. For rounded sustainability, try and prioritise animal products from sustainable sources, such as pasture-raised meat and sustainably caught seafood. Look for certifications like Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, or Organic to ensure ethical sourcing practices.

For plant-based options, explore suppliers that prioritise regenerative agriculture, which focuses on improving soil health and biodiversity. Consider using locally sourced produce to reduce transportation emissions and support local farmers.

Waste Reduction

Reducing food waste is another essential aspect of sustainability. Implement strategies like portion control, proper food storage, and creative upcycling to minimise waste. Donate surplus food to local charities or food banks to prevent it from going to waste while supporting your local community.

Consider using food waste tracking software to identify areas where waste occurs and implement targeted solutions. Explore partnerships with food waste reduction organisations to learn best practices and access resources.

Energy Efficiency

Optimising energy consumption is vital for reducing environmental impact and cutting costs. Invest in energy-efficient equipment, such as LED lighting and low-energy appliances. Be sure to conduct regular energy audits to identify areas for improvement and implement energy-saving measures where possible across your business.

If you have some financial flexibility, you should explore renewable energy options, such as solar panels or wind power, to reduce your carbon footprint. Consider partnering with energy suppliers that offer renewable energy tariffs or participate in community solar projects.

Consumer Education

Educating consumers about your sustainability efforts is essential for building trust and attracting eco-conscious customers. Communicate your sustainable practices on menus, websites, and social media. Highlight the benefits of sustainable choices, such as reduced environmental impact, improved animal welfare, and support for local communities.

Consider creating educational materials, such as infographics or videos, to explain your sustainability initiatives in a clear and engaging way. Encourage customers to ask questions and learn more about your sustainable practices. With a huge appetite for sustainability among foodservice customers, this engagement and knowledge sharing will be mutually beneficial and appreciated.

Resources and Support

Several organisations and resources can provide guidance and support on your journey towards sustainability. Join industry associations that promote sustainable practices, such as the Sustainable Restaurant Association (SRA) in the UK. Participate in sustainability training programs to equip your team with the knowledge and skills needed to implement sustainable practices.

Seek advice from sustainability consultants who can provide expert guidance and tailored solutions for your business. Network with other foodservice businesses that have successfully implemented sustainable practices to learn from their experiences and best practices.


Embracing sustainability is not only a moral obligation but also a strategic business decision. By implementing sustainable practices, foodservice businesses can reduce their environmental impact, attract eco-conscious customers, and improve their bottom line. Ready to make your foodservice business more sustainable? Get in touch with Kara today for guidance on sustainability and how we can upgrade your menu to appeal to wider audiences.

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