Gochujang Korean Chicken BurgerThe perfect alternative to a chicken sandwich, tap into the Korean chicken trend with this simple yet effective recipe, using our milk buns for added sweet buttery flavours.
10 Mins
Gochujang Korean Chicken BurgerThe perfect alternative to a chicken sandwich, tap into the Korean chicken trend with this simple yet effective recipe, using our milk buns for added sweet buttery flavours.
10 Mins
Tunacardo HoagieWanting to add the viral tuncardo sandwich to your menu but don’t know where to start, this simple recipe will make it your menu go to.
5 Mins
Ham, Cheese & Rhubarb Chutney SarnieA classic updated for summer! This cheese and rhubarb chutney sandwich is set o be the sandwich of the season.
40 Mins
Chicken Tikka BaguetteLooking for a simple yet effective grab and go sandwich filler, this tasty sandwich filler is a customer favourite, add it to your lunch menus today.
10 Mins
Product: F02478
Genius PaniniOur Genius Panini is a hearty, soft white gluten free baked product that’s versatile enough to be used within your menus all year round. Topped with rice flour, our Genius bread panini’s are perfect for hot toasted sandwiches on brunch and lunch menus and are suited for a whole host of hot or cold fillings. Change up your traditional sandwiches, like our Steak Sandwich with Cheese with this gluten free alternative.
The UK Eating Out Market In 2023In 2023, the UK eating out market is set to witness a value increase of +4.6%, reaching a whopping £95.2 billion overall – but how is this being achieved and what’s driving this growth?
Planning Your Menus For SuccessOne of the ways you can make the most impact with your menus is by providing the right foods for your customers at the right time. Here’s how you can schedule your menus for success.
Genius Gluten Free BreadDelivering delicious, gluten-free baked goods Thanks to advances within the industry, it’s now easier to provide gluten-free options within foodservice. It hasn’t always been easy to access and supply gluten-free breads, but Kara is proudly now the frozen distributor for Genius gluten-free bread – the UK’s leading gluten-free brand. The Genius range consists of tasty […]
Tackling Gluten Free CateringGluten free options are growing in popularity within the eat-in food industry – is your menu ready? Read how you can make your dishes gluten-free with our range of recipes and products.
Feel Nostalgic With Retro Foods in 2023This year, nostalgic foods are making a comeback. We’re talking Baked Alaska, dirty burgers, the lost. If you want to inject some nostalgia into your menus, take a look at the latest trends to hit the market this year.
Pub and Bar Trends For 20232023 looks like it’s proving to be a testing time for both pub and bar owners. Rising running costs, constantly changing trends and, although it seems like a while ago now, many are still reeling from the after effects of COVID. There are many threats to our public houses at the moment, and if there’s […]
Top Trends To Hit The Hospitality Industry This YearPlenty of fresh-faced hospitality trends are set to hit the industry in 2023. At Kara Foodservice, our job is to make sure you’re prepared for what’s to come and help you get the right produce for your menus.