Pubs Post-Lockdown Planning

2nd March 2021

Kara’s Guide to Planning for pubs – post-lockdown opening

The Government have stated that they have plans to “open at least some pubs” from the 4th July. This is great news for those places that can meet social distancing requirements. What should pubs be putting on their menus and how else can we all help the future of the Great British Pub? In this blog, we take a look at a planning for pubs post-lockdown to ensure they’re ready for the new form of normal.

Make Mine a Burger!

At the end of December 2019, burgers were the most popular dinner choice with 30% sold in pubs so a burger menu is a must for a pub-menu. Easy to prepare and great for delivery, takeaway or if you have the space to set-up a pop-up outdoor stall in the beer garden (adhering to social distancing, of course), burgers are a firm favourite with everyone – even those with different dietary requirements. Choose time-saving ingredients for easy preparation in the kitchen like our pre-sliced brioche, as well as ambient and frozen choices. For a ‘one size fits all’ – Kara’s Vegan Brioche are the perfect choice – they even taste as good as our normal range!

Save Pub Life

Budweiser have established the ‘Save Pub Life’ initiative, selling gift cards for pubs and then matching the donation. There’s still time for pubs to be added to the scheme if you want to take part – make sure your local has a listing! Head over to the Save Pub Life page for more info.

Pizza Popularity

More of us have been enjoying ordering pizza for that at-home treat. Pre-lockdown, pizza was the second most popular dinner choice and 14%* were sold in pubs. Perhaps it’s time to add a pizza to the menu? Here’s how you inject this favourite into your pub:

  • Use local & seasonal vegetables – they’ll taste better (and be cheaper!).
  • Make it a pizza with provenance – use local cheese or meats.
  • Make more than just pizza! Kara’s doughballs can also be used for flatbreads, breadsticks, calzone – even a sweet dessert pizza! And, as they’re suitable for vegans, it’s a great choice to add to a vegan menu too!

*MCA Bakery Tracker Dec 2019.

Long Live the Local

It was welcome news on 11th March when the Chancellor announced a freeze to the planned beer duty. Long Live the Local is a campaign that has been established to lobby government to freeze beer duty to support pubs when they eventually reopen. The UK’s beer duty is still the highest in Europe. For more on this initiative, follow them: @longlivelocals

Don’t Forget …

  • It’s been suggested that there is no reason that pub beer gardens should not be able to open from early July – as long as social distancing is maintained.
  • Do you need to invest in tech? Orders by phone or an app will help abide by social distance rules.
  • Don’t forget to install protective perspex screens to protect your staff and customers.
  • Don’t forget the gel dispensers!
  • Demarcate zones for collection, drop off & where customers should stand.
  • Don’t rotate staff across locations.
  • Paper menus must be disposed after each use and laminated menus need to be cleaned between use.

For more insights to support your business, check out more from The Krumb.


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