Lunchtime Ideas: How You Can Add Variety To Your Meals

26th January 2023

It’s 12 noon. You’ve just finished the first half of your work for the day and all you’ve got to look forward to is a transparent lunchbox, containing food that’s as bland and boring as what it came in. But it doesn’t have to be like this – and it won’t be for much longer. Research predicts that 2023 will be the year that we all start to pay more attention to what we pack for our lunch breaks.

For both kids and adults, lunchtime becomes a routine of the same meals every day. This makes lunchtime less of a time to enjoy food and more of a chore. What we’re here to do at Kara is provide some inspiration to make lunchtime enjoyable again.

Get yourself prepared

Over two thirds of people in the UK bring their own meals to work every day and with the current cost of living, it’s more than understandable. However, the key to enjoying your food comes long before opening your lunchbox. Of course, you’re not always going to be able to prepare before you set off for work but putting time into what you eat at either school or work is essential to getting what you want out of your meals. Making double portions in the evening for lunch the next day and batch cooking are some simple ways to prep your lunches ahead of time.

Lunchbox staples

The simple stalwarts of midday meals. People of all ages can rely on meals like sandwiches, soups, and salads to fill that gap for until teatime. However, these meals shouldn’t be here to just “do a job” – they’re staples for a reason. Not only are they quick and easy to prepare, but they all have the potential to be delicious. It’s time to mix up the ingredients, try something new and break the monotony. Our Wholemeal Deli Roll is a hearty addition to all of these meals, whether it’s served as a key ingredient or just on the side for dipping.

Kids Lunchbox | Kara Foodservice

Healthy eating

Although it may not seem as appetising as other options on offer, adopting a healthy outlook on lunchtime is a tasty way of ensuring you eat well. By adding a little colour to your lunchbox with some fruit and veg, you can start to make a real difference. It isn’t just natural products either, high-protein foods such as chicken and salmon are also very popular. However, if you’re looking to switch to a more plant-based diet (or you’re already ahead of the curve!) then take a look at our new Vegan Brioche. Or for further inspiration, head over to our Veganuary blog for some helpful tips and recipe ideas.

Add some colour

Selling the idea of healthy food to a child is always going to be a tough task, especially within the education sector. However, if you make it look good, you’ll have half the battle won! Disguise all the good stuff by making their lunchtime meal look too good to turn down. Being clever with how vegetables are cooked and presented together makes it easy to hide some of their 5-a-day. It’s the perfect crime, and contrary to what children may think, no one will be harmed from eating a little fruit and veg!

Fruit and Veg | Kara Foodservice

Pizza? For lunch?

Everyone loves pizza. It’s a family favourite for a Friday night dinner, but why shouldn’t you be able to enjoy it for a midweek lunch? With pizza, you can change it up every day – we’re talking not only your toppings, but your choice of base too. Flatbreads, Focaccias, or just a traditional pizza base; all of these can be made with Kara’s Doughballs, both dependable and versatile. Don’t wait until the weekend to create crowd pleasing food!

If you’re looking for quality products to enhance your lunchtime offering, take a look at our range of wholesale bakery products. Need some more inspiration? Check out our range of simple but delicious recipes from sandwiches and lasagne to pizzas and puddings.

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