Benefits Of Frozen Food For The Longevity Of Your Produce

3rd February 2023

Having always been seen as the healthier option, fresh food is what consumers ideally want. The idea of your meals going from the farm, straight to your table can be much more appealing than taking something out the freezer. But why? It’s the same product, right?

There are plenty of advantages to buying frozen, with some that will question why you constantly wanted to buy fresh in the first place. At Kara, we’re here to show you why frozen food should never be overlooked by businesses, and why our products will satisfy our customers on all fronts.


One of the big advantages to frozen wholesale food is the extended shelf life. One of the dangers that fresh food poses is if you leave it for too long, the food could gain harmful pathogens which could lead to food poisoning when ingested. This could also happen when your food is in transit, as it hasn’t been through any preservation whilst being delivered. You can save yourself the hassle by keeping your food frozen and stopping this harmful process altogether. Frozen food can be used months after its brought in, whereas fresh or cooked goods can become unusable after just one day. There’s no point in buying fresh for the sake of it. In fact, due to our quick-freezing technique, our products will be ‘fresher than fresh’ when they reach your business.

Wholesale Baked Goods



With frozen food, there’s very little waiting around to use your stock. A short bake in the oven, and your product is fresh and delicious, ready to serve to your customers. If you don’t need to use your food any time soon, you can keep it in the freezer and use at a later date. At Kara, we offer ‘thaw and serve’ products, so that whenever you’re ready to use our products, just warm them up and they’re ready to go!


There’s a lot of pressure involved when having to keep up with demand of fresh food. And because it doesn’t save for very long, you’ll find yourself returning to buy more fresh produce. It’s a never-ending cycle, and it’s one that could be prevented. With frozen food, you’re able to maintain your supplies for as long as possible and stop yourself from taking that extra trip to your supplier.

Reduce waste

Another way you can save costs is by reducing food waste. If your food expires before you plan to use it, you’re not only wasting your supplies, but your money too. Frozen food can prevent this from happening as much. In fact, just under half as much food waste is generated from frozen rather than fresh food. And with the innovative packaging that our products come in at Kara, you might just save even more.

MK5 Floured Bap | Baked Goods for Caterers | Kara Foodservice

Fresh for your consumer

If your business has an in-house bakery counter, then you’ve got to be able to sell fresh produce to your consumers whenever you’re open. It does seem like a big ask, but with our ‘fresher than fresh’ products, it won’t seem that way. Not to mention the high level of quality that we consistently deliver with our products.

It saves time

A more convenient way of preparing food without losing any of that freshness (we know, right? That’s amazing!). Frozen food is much easier to prepare than fresh produce. In many cases, including Kara’s wholesale products, frozen food just needs to be defrosted and then it’s ready for use. It’s a much more efficient way of preparing your food, especially if you’re running a pub/restaurant where wait times are crucial.

Read more about our frozen food processes. Want to learn more about our wholesale products? Explore our catalogue of fresh and delicious baked goods.

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