


Easy Jam Doughly Poly

A British family favourite made simple in the kitchen using Kara doughballs.

60 Mins



Kara Doughballs, 500g

Strawberry Jam, 250g

Icing Sugar, for dusting

Custard, to serve

Easy Jam Doughly Poly Doughball Jam Roly Poly Recipe | Wholesale Food Suppliers | Kara Foodservice Jam Roly Poly Recipe | Wholesale Food Suppliers | Kara Foodservice Jam Roly Poly Recipe | Wholesale Food Suppliers | Kara Foodservice Doughball Jam Roly Poly Recipe | Wholesale Food Suppliers | Kara Foodservice
Doughball Jam Roly Poly Recipe | Wholesale Food Suppliers | Kara Foodservice Jam Roly Poly Recipe | Wholesale Food Suppliers | Kara Foodservice Jam Roly Poly Recipe | Wholesale Food Suppliers | Kara Foodservice Doughball Jam Roly Poly Recipe | Wholesale Food Suppliers | Kara Foodservice


Butter a large baking dish and set aside.

Take Kara’s 500g doughball and begin to roll into a large circle, for defrost instructions see our doughball guide.

Spread jam across the dough, keeping 1cm away from the boarder. Gently begin to roll the dough up as tight as possible. Once rolled up, take a sharp knife, and begin to slice into pin wheels, around 3cm in thickness. Lay the pinwheels flat in a baking dish and cover with lightly greased cling film and leave in the fridge to prove for 20 minutes.

Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until the dough is golden brown. Leave to stand for 10 minutes before dusting with icing sugar. Dishing out a jam wheel and serving with warm custard.

This recipe uses

Doughballs: 500g


Doughballs: 500g

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